16. June 2012 at the small stage of the Murmansk Regional Drama theatre the modern dance group «Gust-Life» offered the Murmansk audience to judge upon their unusual reading of the Norwegian musical project «Mission MacRell» Initiated in Norway by Harald Sætervoll as a social musical with the support from the Norwegian Barents Secretariat, Mission Mackerel project has already united children from Arkangelsk, Izevsk, Kotlas, Petrozavodsk, Zapolyarny and others.
Premiere 26 april 2013
Samarbeidsparter: Ordfører i Severomorsk Alexander Pavlovich Abramov v Department
of Culture and International Affairs in Severomorsk, Citymanager Irina Noriva.
MMR Musikkprosjekt for Handikappede barn ПРОЕКТА «ДЫХАНИЕ»
Premiere 10.10.2011
Samarbeidsparter: Jazzmusiker Timofey Dorofeev
KOTLAS Prem 13 juni 2014
Kotlas Ungdomshus
Kotlas Rayon Rehab Center
Danseprosjekt med mer enn 100 ungd I mix-grupper
Kulturhuset Poljaris
Prem 23.nov 2013
Utdanningsministeriet i Monchegorsk
Municipal School Internat for Invalids